
Jesus ministry has just started, and yet opposition to his claims and to his practices
abound. However, Jesus continues to call sinners to repentance.
Read Luke 5:27-39
1. What do you notice about the calling of Levi? What was Levi’s response? How is
Levi’s calling similar to Simon, James and John? (start of chapter 5) By way of
encouragement, share with your group the time you responded to the call of
Jesus to follow him.
2. Levi throws a large feast to celebrate his new life in Christ. In what way does this
response convict us? How do you think Levi viewed his new mission? How
should we view our mission?
3. This is the second time in this gospel that we see a confrontation between Jesus,
his disciples and the Pharisees. What is at the heart of the confrontation? What
type of grumbling are the Pharisees doing? (Compare with Israel in the
wilderness Ex. 15-17 and Num. 14-17) What are the two issues being raised and
what is at the heart of these issues? Do we at times grumble in the same way as
the Pharisees concerning the things of church practice and tradition? If so, what
should our response be?
4. How does Jesus respond to the two accusations? In what way does the parable
reveal the truth of what Jesus is saying? Who do you think this parable is really
for? (When you read the purposes of parables in Matt. 13:10-15 you observe that
parables either conceal or reveal a truth.)Please read Luke 6:1-11
5. The scene now moves to two different Sabbath days. The Pharisees are
watching intently at every move of Jesus and his disciples. What are the
accusations about Jesus and the disciples in the grain field? What laws are they
6. How does Jesus respond to the accusations? (For context read 1 Sam 21:1-6)
Why would the proclamation that Jesus was “Lord of the Sabbath” be so
7. What confidence and assurances are there for us as we consider that Jesus is
Lord over all? What are some areas in your life where you fail to grant Jesus this
preeminent place?
8. On the second Sabbath (Luke 6:6-11) what is the perceived issue of law breaking? Is
this right? What authority is Jesus displaying by healing the hand? How do the
Pharisees respond? (also ref. Matt 12:9-14 and Mark 3:1-6) In what way to these
two Sabbath accounts add impact to the parable that Jesus had spoken?


This post filed under

Bible Study Gospel of LukeJesus LordLeviPhariseesthe Sabbath