
This week’s study is about,

‘God is All Knowing.’

Discuss A.W. Tozer’s quote,

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." Why? Because "We tend by a secret law of the soul to move towards our mental image of God."

As we go through this study ask yourself the following question….

What image of God am I moving towards?’ ‘How does it stack up against what God has told us in His Word?’ ‘Are there some views I have that need changing and the resulting actions that flow from them?’

Let’s look at God through two lenses,

1. Wide Lens.

2. Macro Lens.

1. Wide Lens.

A. What is God like? He is Omniscient (All Knowing)

What do these passages tell us about God?

Read Psalm 147:5, Isaiah 46:9-10, Isaiah 55:8-9.

Discuss Luke’s words…

‘In one sense, God is beyond our ability to know. Yet, God does choose to make Himself known to us. Creation, before sin, revealed a relationship of intimacy and friendship between creature and Creator.’

‘And it’s through the Bible that God makes His true character known….’

‘Now, the Bible gives us no right or wrong way to classify God’s character. One way is to say that God has attributes that He communicates to us and attributes that God chooses not to communicate with us; certain parts of God’s being that belong to Him alone.

God’s attributes are simply whatever God has revealed as being true about Himself.’

What are some aspects of (things about) God’s character He has not communicated to us?

What are some aspects of God’s character He has communicated to us?

Are there some He has partially communicated to us? Eg ‘wisdom’.

Are there things God has revealed about Himself to his children the rest of mankind don’t know? Read 1st Corinthians 2:13-16

B. God’s knowledge is perfect.

Read Job 37:15-16, Hebrews 4:13, Psalm 104:1-30.

What do these passages say about God’s knowledge?

C. God knows the future.


· God’s answer to David’s question about the future. I Samuel 23:9-12.

· Peter’s words about Jesus crucifixion. Acts 2:23.

· Jesus words to two of his followers on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:25-27


D. God’s knowledge never fails.

Consider Isaiah 40:28-31.

What do the following passages tell us about how God uses his foreknowledge?

Genesis 18:25, Romans 8:28.

2. Macro Lens.

What did, David say about God’s knowledge of us in Psalm 139:1-6, 16?

What did Jesus say in Matthew 10:29-30?

What should our response be? Matthew 10:31.

3. Summary

How did Paul summarize God in Romans 11:33-36?

As you have reflected on what the Bible tells us about God has there been any changes in your understanding of God? If so share with others in your group what are and how they have helped you in your relationship with Him and others?


This post filed under

Bible Study God's Character