
PEACE Pastoral Care

December 16, 2016 By: Category: Culture

PEACE pastoral care is an intentional pastoral care model which emphasises the importance of each person caring and being cared for in the context of a healthy Christian community. This model fits into Church@ParaVista’s vision and mission to help people become active committed followers of Jesus Christ. PEACE is an acronym that means that people
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Can a Christian eat halal meat?

August 13, 2016 By: Category: Culture

1 Corinthians 10:16-29 raise the question of whether the Christian can eat halal meat (i.e. halal is a term used in Islamic law to designate as acceptable to consume any food or drink which has been prepared properly according to their laws). What do we do when we see that little label on our chocolate or on the fast food meal or on
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Towards Belief

July 27, 2015 By: Category: Culture

Towards Belief follows Australian pastor and host, Karl Faase as he travels to the UK, USA and Australia to interview more than thirty leading authors, speakers and academics as they seek to defuse the top belief blockers of our time. This series responds to the questions of the seeker and clarifies the answers for the
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