
This week’s study is titled,

Where Is Your Treasure?

Read Matthew 6:19-24.

What is the key word mentioned several times in Matthew 6:19-21?

Discuss in your group it’s meaning. Use other words to explain what Jesus is referring to. Give examples of the things people treasure.

What choices does Jesus say we have and what are the results?

Discuss the meaning of Matthew 6:21.

What are the consequences regarding our heart if our treasure is in the wrong place and vice versa?

How do we know what we really treasure? Are there signs by the way we live our lives?

Discuss what they might be.

If we are going to store up treasures in heaven wisely following Jesus teaching how do we go about doing this?

1. Who is your master?

Read Matthew 6:24.

Ask yourself, ‘Who am I serving?’ How do you know?

Read and discuss in your group the following….

‘Jesus says we can only have one master.

We live in a materialistic society where many people serve money. They spend all their lives collecting and storing it, only to die and leave it behind. Their desire for money and what it can buy far outweighs their commitment to God and spiritual matters.

Whatever you store up, you will spend much of your time and energy thinking about. Don’t fall into the materialistic trap, because “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).

Can you honestly say that God and not money, is your master?

One test is to ask yourself which one occupies your thoughts, time and efforts?’

(Taken from the ‘Tyndale, Life application Study Bible’)

Consider which one (God, money or anything else) more occupies your thoughts, time and efforts and include those things you are most passionate about.

Share your findings.

2. Identify what true treasure is.

Read Colossians 3:1-2.

How do we know what are the things of Heaven (of God, our new nature) and the things of this world (of the Devil and our flesh)?

Read on, Colossians 3:5-17. Refer also to Galatians 5:19-23.

What does Paul say the reason we should, ‘…. Put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you…..’ Colossians 3:5 and

‘Put on your new nature, and be renewed….’ Colossians 3: 10?

Read Colossians 3:3-4.

Can you think of other helpful scriptures?

3. Develop an eternal perspective.

How do we have a vision which helps us to think and see long term, Heaven/eternity compared with the short term of (70-90 years) only this life?

Read the attitudes and perspectives Abraham and the great hero’s of faith had. Hebrews 11:8-10 and Hebrews 11:13-16.

What do you learn from them? Share with each other.

Read Jesus parable of the rich fool. Luke12:13-21. Discuss esp. v21.

4. Other things to Consider.

· Stewardship. Matthew 25:14-30.

· Materials we use in ministry. 1st Corinthians 3:10-15.

· Principles in the use of our earthly possessions. Luke 16:9-12.

· Spend time with God. Read about Martha and Mary. Luke 10:38-42.

Discuss esp. what Jesus said in v 41-42.

5. Conclusion.

As you have been evaluating your life and where you are at with regards to where your treasure is (and therefore your heart) has there been an area(s) you see Jesus is not your Master?

Do you want that to change?

If you do how will it happen?

Read Paul’s encouraging words in Philippians 2:13 and 2nd Corinthians 3:18.

Who is it that changes us as we allow Him to?

Where do the right desires come from?

What does the Psalmist say we need to do for God to give us the right desires of our hearts? Read Psalm 37:4-5. What does this mean and how do we do it?

Share your thoughts with each other and spend some praying for each other.


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Bible Study GospelMatthew