
Last week we learnt about the nature of Scripture from Paul’s instructions to Timothy. Scripture is breathed out by God. In this study we will further explore the nature and power of Scripture. Peter, one of the “inner circle” of Jesus’ disciples, the one who was impetuous by nature, the one who understood the amazing grace of his Lord and master as he was restored after his denials. Peter, who proclaimed the power of Christs salvation on the day of Pentecost, reflects, and unashamedly testifies that the Scriptures are the greatest source of revelation that mankind receives. The writer of Hebrews emphasises the power of God’s Word.

Please read 2 Peter 1:16-18 and Luke 9:28-36
1. What is the primary concern Peter wishes to address? (v 16) Why was the transfiguration such a significant event for Peter, James and John? What is the significance of Moses and Elijah attending this event? How was the Lord’s majesty and glory revealed?

Please read 2 Peter 1:19-21
2. What does Peter confirm is surer than the eyewitness testimony he had seen? Why is this so? What impact does this truth have on all of us? (If you have some time, scan thorough Pslam 119 looking for all truths about Scripture being light, start by looking at 119:105)

3. What do these verses tell us about the nature of Scripture? What do these verses affirm about the method by which we have received Scripture. (Other texts of interest 1 Cor. 2:12-13;)

4. Think about last week’s text, 2 Tim 3:16-17 and use this week’s text 2 Peter 1:19-21 and list the things that describe the nature of Scripture. List the impact Scripture has on the believer.

Nature Impact

Please read Hebrews 4:11-13
5. Consider the context of these verses. Perhaps look from chapter 3:7 – 4:13. The author quotes extensively from Psalm 95:7-11. What is the argument that he is developing throughout this section? What major event in Israel’s history is the writer referring to? What does God’s word have to do with entering God’s rest? (4:11) According to the context what disqualifies you from entering into God’s rest.

6. What are the characteristics of God’s word according to verse 12?

7. How does the word of God shape and refine the inner person? What attribute of God is reinforced from these verses?

8. As you mediate on the power of God’s word, spend some time searching your own heart. What active part does God’s word play in your everyday life? Share with your group some ways to encourage one another in actively reading and applying God’s word.


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Bible Study God's WordJesus TransssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssPaulPeterScripture