
This week is our final study in the series on Colossians.

1. Prayer

 Read Colossians 4:2.

What are the 3 things Paul instructs the Colossians regarding prayer.

Discuss in your group what each of these aspects of prayer means and how we apply them. Eg: In what sense are we to be watchful and thankful? What does it mean to be ‘devoted’ to prayer?

Discuss the following:

Prayer takes planning, persistence and vigilance. It needs to become a lifestyle not an event. #

Have you ever grown tired of praying for something or someone? Paul says we should “devote” ourselves to prayer and be “alert” in prayer. Our persistence is an expression of our faith that God answers our prayers. Faith shouldn’t die if the answers come slowly, for the delay may be God’s way of working His will in our life. When you feel tired of praying, know God is present, always listening, always answering – maybe not in ways you had hoped, but in ways He knows is best. #

For more on persistence in prayer, read Jesus story in Luke 18:1-8.

2. Read Colossians 4:3-4

Discuss your answers to the following….

  • How important is prayer to the spreading of the Gospel? Give reasons for your answer.
  • How much value did Paul give to prayer support to help him fulfill his God given mission?
  • Do you pray for opportunities to share about things of the Lord? If so share examples of God’s answers.
  • What are things that hinder us from sharing?

How would prayer help? Read what Paul asked for from the Ephesians 6:19-20.

Read Colossians 4:5-6.

How do we live wisely among unbelievers? Discuss some examples from your everyday living.

What is the opposite? Can we live foolishly among unbelievers?

Discuss the value of Paul’s instructions to “Let your conversation be gracious and attractive (“seasoned with salt” N. I. V.) Share examples with each other from your own life when you have and haven’t.

2. Relationships

Read Colossians 4:7-18.

Write down all Paul’s co-workers and the attributes/strengths he accredits to them.

Consider and discuss Paul’s emphasis in building (and the number) of strong relationships he had and he was a ‘team player’ not a ’lone ranger’.

What value, priority and appreciation did Paul put into his relationships with his co-workers and people in the churches? eg: read what he wrote about his much loved Philippians. Philippians 1:3-5, 23-26, 2:17, 4:1, 10, 14-18.

What value does God put on loving relationships? Matthew 22:36-40, John 15:9-17, 1 John 1:1-4, 1 Peter 4:8.

Discus the following….

Life is all about relationships. The quality of our life is determined by the quality of our relationships.

3. Application

What value, priority and appreciation do you place on building strong relationships?

Are you a ‘team player’ or a ‘lone ranger’?

What would someone write about you (as Paul did in Colossians 4:7-18)? What are your strengths that you can contribute (or are contributing) to the team at church@paravista, your Home Group/Bible study group or group of friends, etc?

# taken from ‘Life Application Study Bible’

Further Information on Paul’s Co-Workers

4:7-8 “Tychicus” Paul mentions Tychicus   several times (cf. Acts 20:4; Eph. 6:21; II Tim. 4:12 and Titus 3:12).  He was the bearer of this letter, and also of Ephesians and Philemon.  Paul sent him to explain his circumstances to the churches of Asia Minor so that they might know how better to pray for him and rejoice with him (cf. 4:8 and introduction).

4:9 “Onesimus” Onesimus was a runaway slave converted in prison by Paul.  Paul sent him back to his Christian master, Philemon, who lived in Colossae and was well known to Paul (cf. Philemon).  In many ways this tension between slave and free was an effective test of genuine Christian love.

4:10-14 Timothy and six other co-workers sent their personal greetings to the church.  Six of these seven co-workers are also mentioned in Philemon.  Tychicus was probably the bearer of the letters of Colossians, Ephesians and Philemon to Asia Minor.

4:10 “Aristarchus” A Jewish Christian about whom we know little (cf. Acts 19:29; 20:4; 27:2).

“Mark, the cousin of Barnabas” John Mark’s home may have been the site of the Lord’s Supper and Upper Room post resurrection appearances of Jesus (cf. Acts 12:12).  He was the writer of the Gospel of Mark and the friend and scribe of Peter (cf. I Pet. 5:13).  He was the cause of a great disagreement between Barnabas and Paul after their first missionary journey (cf. Acts 12:25; 13:5; 15:36-39).“if he comes to you, welcome him” Paul was very angry with John Mark for leaving the first mission team.  However, they apparently reconciled (cf. II Tim. 4:11).

4:11 “Jesus who is called Justus” The TEV has “Joshua.”  “Jesus” and “Joshua” are derived from the Hebrew terms “YHWH” and “salvation” and are the same in Hebrew (cf. Matt. 1:21). This Justus is known to God, but unknown to us.

4:12 “Epaphras” He was founder of the church at Colossae (cf. 1:7 and introduction).

Epaphras was a prayer warrior (cf. v. 13).  His prayer for these believers was that they (1) stand, (2) mature, and (3) be assured in all the will of God.

4:14 “Luke” He was Paul’s close missionary companion and physician.  He was a Gentile and the author of the Gospel of Luke and Acts.

“Demas” Later he would desert Paul (cf. II Tim. 4:10).

4:15 “Nympha” This can be either MASCULINE or FEMININE.

4:17 “Archippas” Archippas was the pastor of the house-church (Philemon 2). The early leadership positions were functions performed by local gifted believers, not vocations or offices. #

# Takenfrom ‘Life Application Study Bible’


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Bible Study ColossiansPaulPrayerRelationships