
In summary of the final two chapters of Jonah, G. V. Smith wisely concludes with the following statement:

God will (and does) act in justice against sin, but His great love for every person in the world causes Him to wait patiently, to give graciously, to forgive mercifully, and to accept compassionately even the most unworthy people in the world. To experience the grace of God and not be willing to tell others of His compassion is a tragedy all must avoid. Messengers of God can neither limit the grace of God nor control its distribution, but they can prevent God’s grace from having an effect on their own lives.” [1]

Please read Jonah 3

  1. What is Jonah’s response towards God’s second chance? How do the Ninevites respond to the message? Why is repentance such an important part of our response towards God’s message? What is repentance and what is it not?
  2. How does the king respond to Jonah’s message and what is significant about his immediate actions?
  3. How does God response? What character traits are on display when God responds this way? How does an understanding of God’s character provide comfort and security in your relationship with him?
  4. The good news of Jesus we proclaim today has the same power as Jonah’s message to transform the hearts of the lost “Ninevites” in our world. With similar brevity as Jonah, Paul proclaimed the simple basics of the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1–4. According to 1 Corinthians 15:1–4, what are the most important components of the gospel?
  5. Considering the power of God’s Word and God’s delight to use it in us, take a moment to consider one truth from Jonah 3 that you need to consistently preach to yourself over the next few weeks. Write this truth from God’s Word below, keep it before you, and let it sink deeply in you so it might accomplish its perfect work in your life.

Please read Jonah 4

  1. How would you describe Jonah’s response to the Ninevites belief in God? Why is this response so surprising? Take a moment to reflect on your life—the innerworkings of your heart and the habits of your mind. Note the ways you are tempted to be like Jonah.
  2. In Jonah 4:5-11 the Lord teaches Jonah a very valuable lesson. He starts the lesson by using the rhetorical question, “What right do you have to be angry?” and repeats this question in Jonah 4:9. Between these two questions what does God do for and do to Jonah? What is Jonah’s response?
  3. What does Jonah’s response reveal about his heart towards God’s compassion toward the Ninevites? What is the object lesson that God reveals to Jonah?
  4. Consider the entire story of Jonah. What is the key lesson that you can draw from this story? What is the key attitude change that you believe is required in your own life because of what God’s word has convicted you of from this story?

[1] G.V.Smith, The Prophets as Preachers: An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets (Nashville, YTN: Broadman & Holman, 1994), 97.


This post filed under

Bible Study God's CharacterGod's CompassionGod's LoveGospel BasicsJonahJonah chapters 4&5Jonah's ResponseRepentance.