
Homegroup Bible Study Notes: Week beginning: 4th February, 2019.
1. Read: John 1:35 – 42; 6:1 – 12; 12:20 – 22.
2. Consider the passages, above, from John’s Gospel:-

  • Who is the individual that appears in each text as the common character?
  • What is he seen to be doing?

3. What are some of the characteristics of the person you identified in Q (2)?

Notes: Andrew was never known as a great teacher, preacher or scholar. He never wrote a book of the Bible. The name, “Andrew” means simply, “man”. This points to Andrew as an ordinary disciple, who was called by Peter Marshall, the “Saint of the rank and file”. While Andrew was an obscure disciple, referred in the passage above as, “Peter’s brother”, it is noteworthy that it was Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus. In this simple act, Andrew was a key link in the chain of apostolic witness that had its beginning with Peter at Pentecost.
4. Re-read about Andrew’s conversion in John 1:35 – 39.

Andrew met Jesus through the witness of his friend John the Baptist.

In this we see that:-

God used a respected associate: Andrew believed John’s witness concerning Jesus because he was a respected friend.

God used a redemptive analogy: John used an analogy every Jewish person understood by referring to the, “Lamb of God”. The great difference was this “Lamb” would “take away” not just cover sin.

God used a relational approach: JohnAndrewJesus. 80% of those who come forward at an evangelical event are brought by a friend. God uses inter-personal relationships to bring people into relationship with Jesus.
5. Read about Andrew’s concern – John 1:40 – 42; 6:8; 12:20 – 22.

After Andrew met Jesus his great concern was to bring others to Jesus.

Discuss the types of people Andrew is seen bringing to Jesus in the above verses.

What is instructive about Andrew’s actions with the people he brought to Jesus?
6. From the above study:-

• What are the steps to being an Andrew?

• Can you think of ways that you might be an Andrew to someone else?
7. On Sunday, Danny considered 4 aspects to do with evangelism. They were:-

i. Why should I evangelize?

ii. What are some of the potential stumbling blocks I may encounter?

iii. Can God really help me to evangelize?

iv. So what do I do now?
Consider these questions in the light of the following verses that Danny referred to –

• 2 Tim 3:14 – 17

• Revelation 20:11-12, 15

• 2 Peter 3:9

• Ephesians 3:20

• 2 Tim 1:7

• Luke 12:12

• 1 Peter 3:15.


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Bible Study AndrewEvangelismWitnessing.