
This week’s study is titled,

‘Do Not Judge Others’

Read and meditate Matthew 7:1-5.

As you read (and listened to Danny on Sunday) this teaching of Jesus on ‘judging’ and the attitude we have/can have, what thoughts came to mind?

Was there anything in particular that stood out and spoke to you? Were there any warnings of things to be careful of, any changes you need to make in your own life, etc?

Share with others in the confidentiality of your group.

This passage can be divided into three sections.

1. ‘We shall be judged the way we judge.’ v.1

2. ‘We are being judged the way we judge.’ v. 2

3. ‘We must see clearly in order to help others.’ v. 3-5

As we work through these points let’s look at the time Jesus was invited to Simon the Pharisee’s home when the immoral woman came.

Read Luke 7:36-50.

Keeping in mind the three points above,

· What was Simon’s attitude to the woman and Jesus?

· Knowing Simon’s thoughts how would you summarize Jesus response to him?

· What mistake(s) did Simon make, see v. 39 & 44-47?

· Discuss the different degree of love The Woman and Simon each had for Jesus.

· What mistake did the other Pharisees make about Jesus? v. 49.

Are there any other relevant points you could draw from this story?

1. ‘We shall be judged the way we judge.’ v.1

Why would someone have a hypocritical judgemental attitude like Simon?

What are some safe guards we can put in place in our lives to ensure we don’t do likewise?

2. ‘We are being judged the way we judge.’ v. 2

Look at the parallel passage of Matthew 7:2 in Luke 6:37-38.

Have you found the principle of ‘reaping what you sow’ true in your experience?

Share any examples that come to mind.

3. ‘We must see clearly in order to help others.’ v. 3-5

None of us want to be the hypocrite Jesus speaks about here. How can we ensure we don’t?

What does Paul teach in 1 Corinthians 4:5 which will help keep us humble?

What are the qualities we should have when helping others who are ‘overcome by some sin’? See Galatians 6:1-3


Spiritually mature Christians ‘can ‘evaluate’ (discern/judge) all things….’ 1 Corinthians 2:15a.

Why is this so? See 1 Corinthians 2:16 b.

Resulting from this study are there any extra things you have learn and plan to apply to your life with regards to judging others?

Share in your group and pray for God to help you.


This post filed under

Bible Study MatthewSermon on the Mount