
 This week we continue with study three in the series on Colossians. In the first two we focused on doctrine, who we are “In Christ”.

Now we focus on the practical of “How we should live.”

Read Colossians 3:1-17

Colossians 3:1-2. What does it mean to “….set your sights (‘heart’ N.I.V.) on the realities of heaven? …. For you died to this life…”

  • How do we do this?
  • What does Paul say is our motivation to do this? v.1a. Does this motivate you? Share your answer with your group.

Discuss the following….

For you died to this life” means we should have as little interest for improper worldly pleasures as a dead person would have. The Christian’s real home is where Christ lives (John 14:2-3). This truth provides a different perspective on our lives here on earth. To “think about the things of Heaven” means to look at things from God’s perspective and to seek what He desires. This provides the antidote to materialism: we gain the proper perspective on material goods when we take God’s view of them. It also provides the antidote to sensuality. By seeking what Christ desires, we have the power to break our obsession with pleasure and leisure activities. But it also provides the antidote to empty religiosity because serving Christ means loving and serving in this world. Regard the world around you as God does: then you will live in harmony with Him. #

What does it mean “…. Your real life is hidden with Christ in God?”

Read and discuss the following from Michael’s message:

“John McCarthy says it has a three-fold meaning:

  1. We have a common spiritual life with God in Jesus Christ, meaning we are linked with Him. See 1 Corinthians 6:17.
  2. We are hidden from the world. See 1 Corinthians 2:14, John 14:17.
  3. We have eternal security with Him. Discuss the significance of the following words in their corresponding passages….
  • John 10:27-30. ‘eternal’, ‘never’ (perish).
  • Hebrews 7:25. ‘forever to save’.
  • 1 Peter 1:4. ‘inheritance… beyond reach of change and decay.’
  • Romans 8: 37-39. ‘…. Nothing in all creation can ever separate us ….’

Read Colossians 3:5-17

Colossians 3:5-9. Write down the eleven things Paul says to ‘put to death.’

What are the eighteen things we are to ‘put on’/’clothe ourselves with’ etc.

How do we do this? See Galatians 5:16.

Discuss (practical ways to do this) the following….

If your desire is to have the qualities listed in Galatians 5:22-23 then you know the Holy Spirit is leading you. At the same time be careful not to confuse your subjective feelings with the Spirit’s leading. Being led by the Holy Spirit involves the desire to hear, the readiness to obey God’s word, and the sensitivity to discern between your feelings and His promptings. Live each day controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit. Then the Word of Christ will be in your mind, the love of Christ will be behind your actions, and the power of Christ will help you control your selfish desires. #

Read Ephesians 6:10. Discuss how we do this so it is an ongoing experience. What things do we need to have in place and to be doing on a daily basis so the “fruit of the Spirit” and not “the works of the sinful nature” are our normal experience?

When the desires of our sinful nature are strong and seemingly uncontrollable what practicable steps can we take to resist giving in to them?

The Coming of the Lord

Read Colossians 3:4.

Read Hebrews 9:24-28 and identify where and when Jesus’ appearance is mentioned by the writer.

  • Past
  • Present
  • Future

Discuss the following….

“Though there is differences in interpretations of the unfolding of Jesus’ return all agree that ‘He is coming again.”

  • Jesus said He will come again. John 14:3.
  • The angels said He will come again. Acts 1:9-11.
  • The early church expected Him to return. Acts 3:20-21, Revelation 22:20.


Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.

Discuss the following.

  • v.1-3. What does these verses tell us about Christ’s return and the world’s view?
  • v.4-8. What should our view be as Christians? What specific instructions does Paul give to us as “children of the light?”
  • v.9-10. What does Paul say is God’s ultimate goal for His children?
  • v.11. As we are all on life’s journey, discuss ways you can encourage and build up your brothers and sisters ‘In Christ’.

# Taken from ‘Life Application Study Bible’


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Bible Study Colossians