
This week’s study is titled….

“What does God want from me?”

As you reflect on what Dave shared on Sunday were there any things which spoke to you? Share with others in your group.

1. Have you seriously pondered these questions?

  • ‘What does God want from me?’
  • ‘What is God really looking for?’
  • ‘What is most important to God, close to His heart and why?’
  • ‘Why did God create mankind in His image, different from the rest of His creation?’

Share your thoughts and discuss with each other possible answers.

Let’s look again at the essence of what Dave shared.

1. Am I ‘A Mary’ or ‘A Martha’ or ‘Some of Both’?

Read Luke 10:38-42.

What were the differences the apostle Luke was highlighting in his Gospel between these two sisters as they welcomed Jesus and His disciples into their home? Eg:

  • What was Martha’s main focus and concerns and the results?
  • What was Mary’s main focus?

Discuss Jesus answer to Martha’s question and what she told Jesus to do!

In a sentence or two write in your own words the point Jesus wants us all to understand.

Think about what Dave said (below) about each sister.


  • Reflective.
  • Contemplative.
  • Allows time to consider.
  • Deep thinker.
  • People focused.


  • Practical.
  • Active.
  • Gets the job done.
  • Involved.
  • Task focused.

Which one do you relate to most? Share in your group your reasons why.

2. ‘What is Most Important to God, close to His Heart and Why?’

Re-read the questions in Question 1.

Read Genesis 3:8-9. Why do you think God was walking in the garden and what was He looking for with Adam when He called out to him?

What comment did Moses make about Enoch’s relationship with God? Read Genesis 5:22,24.

  • What did Jesus do which we see demonstrated over and over in His life.
  • The night before He chose his 12 disciples. Luke 6:12.
  • After hearing the news of the death of John The Baptist. Matthew 14:13,23.
  • Early the next the morning after a very busy day of ministry. Luke 4:42.

Perhaps His greatest time of ‘agony of spirit’. Luke 22:39-44.

Read and discuss the following quote:

“Seeking solitude was an important priority for Jesus. He made room in His busy schedule to be alone with the Father. Spending time with God in prayer nurtures a vital relationship with Him and equips us to meet life’s challenges and struggles. Develop the discipline of spending time alone with God. It will help you grow spiritually and become more like Christ.” *

3. Have the Heart of Mary and the Hands of Martha

Revisit again the story of Mary and Martha. Luke 10:38-42.

As you think about Dave’s power points below ask yourself, How does my own life line up?’

Mary and Martha.

  • It is not that Mary had it right and Martha had it wrong.
  • It is the importance of the order.
  • We need to be Mary before we are Martha.
  • We need to bow down and worship God before we serve him.

Mary’s Heart.

  • Mary made the right choice to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him instead of doing.Jesus says she has chosen what is better.
  • We need to be Mary before we are Martha.
  • It does not mean that she is not to do anything – but to be with Jesus is more important than serving him.

Martha’s Hands

Martha was doing a good thing.

  • She invited Jesus into their home.
  • She was preparing a meal for him.
  • She was trying to serve Jesus and meet his needs.

4. Conclusion

Lots of the things we do are good things. Good ministries. Great opportunities. Serving and meeting the needs of others.

If you get your love and adoration and worship of the Lord right it is then far easier to then bring this same worship into our acts of service.

*Taken from ‘Life Application Study Bible’.


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Bible Study MinistryServing