
Begin by reading the account of Paul’s journey and the Jerusalem Council meeting in Acts 13:1-15:35. It is always a good thing to read God’s Word for yourself. Use the biblical account and maps in your Bible or a Bible Atlas to plot Paul and his companions’ travels on the attached map. Include biblical references for each site and add some notes about the activity at each location.

  1. All the missionary journeys of Paul began in Antioch, not Jerusalem. What might have been some reasons for this?
  2. After visiting all of the sites, preaching the gospel, and winning converts, what did Paul and Barnabas then do (see Acts 14:21-28). What is important about these activities?
  3. In the sermon it was suggested that mission is God’s initiative and requires God’s enabling? What basis can you see in Acts 13:1-14:28 to support this? What part is played by humans in the activity of mission?
  4. What place do miracles and opposition play in communicating the gospel message? Do these both still happen today?
  5. What was the problem being addressed by the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 and how was it addressed?
  6. If those spreading the gospel were not to make it difficult for Gentiles to turn to God (15:19) and Gentiles were saved on the basis of God’s grace (15:11), why are any conditions (15:20, 29) imposed on them?
  7. What significance did the Jerusalem Council have for the spreading of the gospel witness?


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Bible Study Acts