
Following Jesus – The Test of Sharing The Epistles of John. Mark Kulikovsky.

March 9, 2019 By: Category: Bible Study

1. How did Mark define this test of ‘Sharing’? What other words could be used to help us understand its meaning? What does it specifically NOT mean? What light does 2 Cor. 6:14-18 shed on this issue? 2. What does 1 Jn. 2:15-17 teach us about ‘loving’? Can you identify some examples in your own
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Following Jesus – The Test of Doing The Epistles of John by Mark Kulikovsky

March 2, 2019 By: Category: Bible Study

1. So far in this series we have looked at the test of ‘knowing’ (looking at what we know and believe, and what beliefs mark us out as true followers of Jesus) and the test of ‘being’ (looking at our identity, who we are, so we can see what marks out a true follower of
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Following Jesus – The Test of Being The Epistles of John. Mark Kulikovsky

February 26, 2019 By: Category: Bible Study

1. It was suggested in the sermon that we often categorise people by their familial relationships, country of origin, work, qualifications, position or interests. Do you agree or disagree? If you agree, why do you think we do this? If you disagree, in what other ways do we categorise people? What would be the best
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