
What Is Christian Holiness?

December 3, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Introduction This year we have focused mainly on ‘Holiness’ through Paul’s letter to the young church at Corinth. What is your understanding and definition of what holiness is? Has it changed over the course of this year? At the beginning of Revelation (Chpt. 2&3) Jesus instructs John to write a letter of what He
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Fullness Of The Spirit

May 27, 2016 By: Category: Theology

Ephesians 5:18, “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the Spirit.” Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasure. Swindol points out in an article that in the Bible “we are never commanded to “Be baptized in the Spirit,” or “Be indwelt by the Spirit” or “Be Gifted,” or “Be Sealed”
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Gifts Of The Spirit

May 23, 2016 By: Category: Theology

I have a book that is titled 27 Spiritual gifts which can be confusing unless you take into account James’ words in James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with who there is no variety or shadow due to change.” The gifts from
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A Simple Study On The Trinity

May 15, 2016 By: Category: Theology

The word trinity is not used in the Bible, it is a word which Christians have made up to describe what they see is the situation. To believe in the Trinity is to say that there is only One God, but that God has three persons. Father Son and Spirit. God himself claims that there
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What Is The Holy Spirit’s Work?

By: Category: Theology

The first thing we need to see is that the Holy Spirit has always been working right from the start. Genesis 1:2 in Creation “The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”. He came upon the craftsmen who were given the task to build the tabernacle. Exodus 31:3 He came upon
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Who Is The Holy Spirit?

May 12, 2016 By: Category: Theology

The first mention of The Spirit in the Bible is at the very beginning. Genesis 1:2 “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep, And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” The Bible begins with the planet already made, but the
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