
We'd love you to join us at either service as we celebrate the hope Jesus brings with gospel preaching, live music and communion.

Good Friday 10am

Easter Sunday 10am

Celebrate The Cross

It was on the cross that Jesus took your guilt, shame and sin upon Himself. He spilt His blood and died in your place so that you don’t have to pay with your blood for your sin. The wonderfully Good News is that God the Father graciously sacrificed His Son, Jesus, so that you can be forgiven, freed and become follower of God.

For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:21

Celebrate The Empty Grave

Jesus didn’t stay dead! On Sunday He rose, conquering Satan, sin, and death. In His resurrection Jesus opens the door to new creation and invites us to join him. We worship a risen Savior who will never die and who graciously offers New life to all who believe.

Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God.
Romans 6:9-10