
1. Doubts are common

 As with temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13) and suffering (1 Peter 5:9) doubts are common. See the following:

  • Thomas. John 20:24-29.
  • David. Psalm 10:1-11.
  • Job. Job 24:1ff.
  • John the Baptist. Matthew 11:2-3.
  • Moses. Exodus 5:22-23.

When you have had times of doubt how does knowing some of the Biblical giants mentioned above have gone through similar experiences make you feel?

Was there anything which stood out to you?

 2. Doubts can be positive or negative

Reread John 20:24-29. Discuss the following:

Jesus wasn’t hard on Thomas for his doubts. Despite his scepticism. Thomas was still loyal to the believers and to Jesus himself. Some people need to doubt before they believe. If doubt leads to questions, and questions lead to answers and if answers are accepted, then doubt has done a good work. It is when doubt becomes stubbornness and stubbornness becomes a prideful life-style that doubt harms faith. When you doubt, don’t stop there. Let your doubt deepen your faith as you continue to search for the answer. *

Which of the above is an indicator of how you deal with doubt?

3. Discover the Source of your doubt

Read the following people’s experiences and write down who/what was the source of their doubt(s).

  • Genesis 3:1-5
  • Job 2:1-7
  • John 20:24-29
  • 1 John 3:19-20
  • Matthew 11:2
  • 1 Kings 19:1-10

Can you add to the list?  Which one(s) are the source of your doubts?

 “One of the biggest factors that can be a Doubt deepener – is isolation.”

4. Overcoming doubts

Consider Danny’s words:

Admit your doubts honestly and personally.

Thomas did just that. When the other disciples found him after Jesus had visited them – they exclaimed, “We have seen the Lord.” Thomas’ reply was – ‘I won’t believe it, unless I see the nail wounds in His hands, put my finger into them and place my hand into the wound in His side. He honestly said what he felt personally, regardless of what the others thought of him.

The road to working through our doubts, is by first naming and owning them – denying or hiding them just keeps us in isolation and imprisoned by our own thoughts.

Diligently explore, read, talk through your doubts with a mentor in your life.

Firstly, I have a question for you – do you have a mentor in your life? If not, why not – a mentor is someone who is further along the path of faith than you, who you can bounce off thoughts, ideas, doubts, struggles and who can help and encourage you in your faith journey.

b. Pray

Re-read and consider those mentioned in point 1. eg Thomas, David, Job, John the Baptist and their openness in speaking to God about their doubts / struggles.

Ask others to pray for you. See Ephesians 6:18-20.

c. Seek God and His answer in His Word

What areas of doubt do the following passages address?

  • Romans 8:28-39
  • Matthew 28:20
  • 1 John 5:13, John 10:27-30
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9

How did Jesus respond to….

  • John the Baptists doubts? Matthew 11:4-6 (see c.r. Isaiah 35:4-6, 42:7.)
  • Thomas’ doubts. John 20:26-29

d. Be aware of your thoughts and self talk

Are they in line with God’s Word? See 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Philippians 4:8-9, Exodus 5:22-23.

e. Put on God’s armour

Ephesians 6:10-18. Which pieces in particular do you think will guard you and deal with your doubts?

* Taken from ‘Life Application Study Bible’ 


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Bible Study