
If you are here, it’s because you are about to edit the church website. Great! The website was custom built by Luke Dahlenburg, the Church’s former Youth Pastor.  Steve White is now the coordinating Deacon for this website so please check with him if you wish to make changes.

Read the below info before you begin.

Getting Started

The documentation assumes that you are familiar with the following:

  1. When you login to the website, you are first brought to the Dashboard. This is the admin page of the website that you’ll be able to edit all of the content from. Each of the documents assumes that you are on the Dashboard when they begin.
  2. The black admin bar at the top of the screen will appear on each page when logged in, at times the buttons will change depending the page. There are shortcuts to edit the pages on this bar, so keep and eye out for them.
  3. To get to the website or the dashboard, mouseover the church@paravista name on the black admin bar and click either Visit Site or Dashboard.
  4. Click the blue update button on the right side of each page to confirm all your changes.