
Walking Worthy. Lesson 11. “Obedience and Respect at home and Work” by Nathan Potts.

August 3, 2020 By: Category: Bible Study

  The first nine verses of Ephesians 6 continue Paul’s practical instructions concerning submission and authority. Paul addresses those who are in authority and those who are under authority. As followers of Christ our entire lives are under His gracious authority and rule, because we have been bought by His precious blood. (1 Cor. 6:19-
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Walking Worthy. Lesson 10. “Love and Respect” by Nathan Potts.                                                              

July 11, 2020 By: Category: Bible Study

The truths expounded in Ephesians 5 transcend culture, personal preferences and human wisdom.  The principles outlined are based on God’s truth and they call us to walk in a manner worthy of Christ’s love and salvation. We have been called to display humility and gentleness, patience, and showing tolerance for one another in love. We
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Walking Worthy. Lesson 9. “Walk against the world” by Nathan Potts.

July 6, 2020 By: Category: Bible Study

What is it that combats the influence of human philosophy and ideologies, of human traditions and secular thinking, from entering the church? In the letter to the Colossians Paul provides the answer. It is a walk, a life that is centered on Christ. Colossians 2:6-7 is one of those theological hinges that instructs the believer
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An attitude of gratitude, Psalm 34 by Nathan Potts

June 30, 2020 By: Category: Bible Study

The wonderful thing about the Psalms is that they always demonstrate some real-life emotions and experience towards some aspect of life. It maybe praises and thanksgiving, lament, or petition.  The Psalms touch our hearts because we can so easily identify with the human condition being portrayed. In Psalm 34 David pours out his heart in
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Walking Worthy. “Walk in Knowledge and Understanding” Lesson 8 by Nathan Potts.

June 23, 2020 By: Category: Bible Study

As we discuss further the implications of what it means to “walk in a manner worthy of our calling”, we are taking a minor deviation away from Ephesians to explore Paul’s prayer in Colossians one. In this opening prayer we see a fascinating relationship between past, present and future. The past reflects the point of
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Walking Worthy. “Walk in Wisdom” Lesson 7 by Nathan Potts.

June 14, 2020 By: Category: Bible Study

In today’s lesson, Paul, for the 5th and final time in this letter to the Ephesian believers issues a command to Walk. This command introduces the final section of this letter. He commands these believers to “Walk in Wisdom”. In Eph. 5:15-21, he gives the general principles for a wise lifestyle. Then for the balance
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