
Jesus the Man of Power

January 29, 2017 By: Category: Bible Study

In Luke 2:52 we are told that Jesus grew “in wisdom, and in stature, and in favour with God and man.” What does this tell us about Jesus’ humanity and why is this important? In what ways is Jesus seen as ‘powerful in word’ in the Gospels? Give some examples of the things Jesus said,
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Jesus the Man of Passion

By: Category: Bible Study

What are the different meanings of passion and which ones were considered in the sermon? Why are Hebrews 2:14-18 and 4:15 important for a Christian? What are some of the emotions that Jesus showed? Identify both the emotion and the context and occasion of the emotion. How does knowing that Jesus showed emotions encourage us?
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Spiritual Warfare (part two)

December 10, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Review  Read Ephesians 6:10-18. In study one a few weeks ago there was 4 points. A. Know you are in a war. As a Christian you are in a war and have an enemy Satan and his fallen evil spirits. God’s Word tells us therefore to “be sober and watchful” 1 Peter 5:8 and
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What Is Christian Holiness?

December 3, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Introduction This year we have focused mainly on ‘Holiness’ through Paul’s letter to the young church at Corinth. What is your understanding and definition of what holiness is? Has it changed over the course of this year? At the beginning of Revelation (Chpt. 2&3) Jesus instructs John to write a letter of what He
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How And What To Give To God

November 26, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Introduction  This year we have spent considerable time on Paul’s letter 1 Corinthians focusing on “Holiness”. In it Paul addressed major issues that had developed in the young church which he had planted only a few years earlier. Read through George’s summary of those issues. Divisions & internal conflict. Sexual immorality. Legal actions &
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Spiritual Warfare, Part One

November 20, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Know You Are In A War Read Ephesians 6:10-18. Do you believe you are in a war? How would you know as according to Ephesians 6:12 the enemy is ‘….of the unseen world….’ Read and discuss the following…. As long as you don’t receive Christ or prioritize commending him to others, this idea of
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