
John Angus (NSW, Day 1)
Our deepest condolences to John’s relatives on his passing on 31 January.

Rita Galieh (NSW, Day 2)
Our deepest condolences to Rita on the passing of George on 15 January.

Phil and Sandy Jones (Mexico, DPG Day 5)
Pray urgently for Sandy’s mum who is critically ill. She has deteriorated with COVID and has needed a respirator.

John and Remy Tan (VIC, DPG Day 14)
Pray for the completion of unfinished tasks, board reports preparation and the annual audit as they start a new year at the national centre. Pray for their health issues that go with ageing. Pray for Janelle to grow deeper in faith and be Christlike as she goes through her final two years of high school.

Daniel and Candide Weekes (France, DPG Day 17)
Praise God that they and the camp staff are all well. Praise God that they have been able to meet as a church again. Praise God that some groups have been able to come to Camp de Cîmes and be refreshed, challenged and encouraged. Praise God for many opportunities to fix and make things around camp, and the ability to pay the bills so far. Pray that the government will let many people come to camp soon. Pray for wisdom for people in the government who are writing the new laws about religious freedom and how to deal with extremism.

John and Kathy Harris (Netherlands, DPG Day 17)
Pray for John and co-leaders of iTeams NL as they take over the leadership of the organisation after Barth and Mathilde retire at the end of February. Pray for John as he preaches online at his church, Amerfoort Anglican, on Feb 28. Pray for two sets of people who are interested in mission with iTeams NL and who have met with John. Pray for their decision-making. Pray for the healing of two sick iTeams NL workers, Joke in Serbia and Levi in Romania.

Gavin and Janet Petersen (Portugal, DPG Day 18)
Thank God for the Internet so that Gavin and Janet can continue with church meetings, Bible study, Discovery and Transformation groups, as well as their Basic and Conversational English sessions using the Bible. Praise God for opportunities to model hospitality-as-outreach in novel ways during COVID. Gavin and Janet have dropped off homemade goodies to friends in their Discovery or English groups. Pray for Jonathan, Chesman and sometimes Amir as they meet online with Gavin. Pray for Julia’s salvation, especially since a change in her work schedule means she can’t join the reading group on Wednesdays.

Graeme Erb (Specialist, DPG Day 22)
Our deepest condolences to Graeme on the passing of his mother on 4 February.

C & A (Restricted Access, DPG Day 30)
Pray for them as their latest flight home has been cancelled too.

Please continue to pray for our missionaries to stay healthy and, if travelling, that they can get to their destinations overseas — be that back to Australia or their country of service.

DATECLAIMER: The next face-to-face Victorian Mission Awareness Program will be on Sunday 28 February from 4 – 5.30 pm at Grace West Bible Church (16 Sydney St, Albion). There will be speakers from a number of restricted access countries. Due to limited seating, please register with Rachel Reed (0415 711 733,

DATECLAIMER: The next online NSW Women’s Mission Convention will be on Sunday 14 March 2021 at 3pm. Speakers will be Allison Howell, Bethany Kapezya and Denise Ottosson. More details to follow.


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