
This study is the second in “The Gospel” series of the book of Acts focusing on Acts Chapters 3-4.

1. Introduction

How do you go with sharing your faith and the things of the Lord with unbelievers? Are you bold or do you feel fearful, nervous, intimidated, etc?

Do you desire to be bold? Where does boldness come from? Can it be developed?

Discuss in your group Henry’s words:

We think confidence comes from personality, education, giftedness, training, experience, etc. You need to listen because the way to have bold confidence in your faith is by knowing Jesus and having confidence in who He really is and what He has done for you.

2. Peter and John’s boldness

Read about Peter and John’s boldness in sharing the Gospel. Acts 3:1- 4:37.

Compare Peter’s boldness to witness after Pentecost ….

  • His actions. Acts 3:1-10.
  • His preaching. Acts 3:11-26.
  • His response to the rulers, elders and teachers threats. Acts 4:1-22.
  • His prayer to continue. Acts 4:23-31.

…. with how he was before. Matthew 26:69-75. See what his desire was. Matthew 26:35.

What changed at Pentecost? Acts 2:4, 4:8, 31. What does it mean ‘to be filled with the Holy Spirit?’ How is a Christian ‘filled with the Holy Spirit?’ eg: Ephesians 5:18, Luke 4:1, 14.

Consider the following:

“….We should not be concerned with how much of the Holy Spirit we have but how much of us the Holy Spirit has. Submit yourself daily to His leading and draw constantly on His power.” #

Read Paul’s words to Timothy. 2 Timothy 1:6-7.

3. Peter’s Confidence

Where did Peter’s confidence lie? Whose name did he attribute the following to:

  • The lame man walking and made well. Acts 3:6, 16.
  • The only source of salvation. Acts 4:12.
  • Boldness to continue witnessing. Acts 4:23-31.

Consider the following:

Even in the face of opposition they were compelled to speak openly and honestly. That was a key difference the Holy Spirit made in their lives. When they could have easily bit their tongue and remain silent, they stood their ground and compassionately spoke the truth. Any credit for helping, healing or change in people’s lives was attributed “in the name (power) of Jesus”. (Acts 4:10)  ##

What does Paul say about the name of Jesus in Philippians 2:10-11?

4. Peter and John’s Association

What were the two things the members of the council saw through Peter and John’s boldness. Acts 4:13. Read John’s words over 50 years later. 1 John 1:1-4.

What was it about them that showed this?

5. Application

How do we develop similar boldness?

Consider Henry’s words:

“Since confident faith comes from a close walk

Value your walk with Jesus above all else.

  • Above career, friends, activities. Want it!

Pursue your walk with Jesus above all else.

  • Above your education, training, ministry.

How do we do that? Practically …

Spend Time Talking & Texting

  1. All relationships take Time – no substitute for time to develop a relationship.
  2. Spend time Talking – in conversational prayer (not just lists).
  3. Spend time Texting – in the text, God’s Word (read, enjoy, study – not duty).”

Consider the following quotes for guidelines to help when sharing the Gospel message:

Salvation, now and for eternity, is found in Jesus. There is no other name given to mankind by which we are saved. (Acts 4:12) Biblical Christian witnessing and evangelism graciously and unapologetically holds to the unique and distinct claim of Jesus Christ to be the one and only Savior. He changes lives, now and forever. Authentic Christian witnessing and evangelism is respectful of the opinions of others but not tolerant or compromising of mistruthful claims of any other way of salvation. Compromise of this baseline Christian truth remains eternally powerless. Pray asking God for an uncompromising faith in salvation in Christ. ###

God will bless your personal witnessing and evangelism. The early disciples were just talking to common folks in Acts 4. Friends, people they new from their occupations, relatives and curious bystanders. They were simply speaking to what they had “seen and heard”. They were testifying that salvation is found in Jesus. God empowered and blessed their personal witness and many lives were changed as people found salvation in relationship with Jesus… for the “now and forever” of their lives. God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, can take fearful Christians who are willing to follow Him… and make them bold messengers for Christ! Pray, commit yourself to God to be transformed into a bold messenger for Christ. ##

# Taken from ‘Life Application Study Bible’

## Taken from



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Bible Study ActsGospelHoly Spirit