
PEACE Pastoral Care

December 16, 2016 By: Category: Culture

PEACE pastoral care is an intentional pastoral care model which emphasises the importance of each person caring and being cared for in the context of a healthy Christian community. This model fits into Church@ParaVista’s vision and mission to help people become active committed followers of Jesus Christ. PEACE is an acronym that means that people
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Spiritual Warfare (part two)

December 10, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Review  Read Ephesians 6:10-18. In study one a few weeks ago there was 4 points. A. Know you are in a war. As a Christian you are in a war and have an enemy Satan and his fallen evil spirits. God’s Word tells us therefore to “be sober and watchful” 1 Peter 5:8 and
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What Is Christian Holiness?

December 3, 2016 By: Category: Bible Study

1. Introduction This year we have focused mainly on ‘Holiness’ through Paul’s letter to the young church at Corinth. What is your understanding and definition of what holiness is? Has it changed over the course of this year? At the beginning of Revelation (Chpt. 2&3) Jesus instructs John to write a letter of what He
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